Meg’s mother has been proven wrong!

I’ve never been happier!


So, I was talking to my mother earlier… (Yeah, I can see you all facepalming and wondering why I even called her, but bear with me.)

When I was eighteen and a freshman in college, I borrowed a huge video recorder from the school library to shoot some video for a music project. (Oh my gosh, HOW OLD AM I!!! There were no cell phones!!)

Anyway, I took it up to my maternal grandmother’s house and filmed some video, including some family videos that were unrelated to my school assignment. There’s this part where I’m attempting to do some erotic dancing (it was actually extremely G-rated), and my mom’s in the background saying, “Oh, honey, don’t do that! You’re my little girl! You’re not a seductress,” or some such, and I found it incredibly irritating.

She’s never taken me seriously as a woman, and thus, I’ve never taken myself seriously as a woman. Well! That has changed. Or rather, it has changed in my mind. But while I was talking to my mother earlier, I could tell that she’s not up to speed.

“Nick really loves me,” I told her.

“That’s nice, honey. It’s good to make an effort at staying positive.”

“Okay, but you never stay positive,” I pointed out. “Are you… trying something new today?”

“No, I’m not. You’re right. I’m a realist. Being a realist has really helped me.”

“I’ll say. And you have just the right amount of healthy realism without dipping too deeply into pessimism.” (How I managed to say that with a straight face is beyond me.) “Anyway, he really loves me.”

“I’m sure he loves you in some capacity. You two did grow up together, darling.”

“No, Mother. I mean, he really loves me.”

She changed the subject, which was fine, because I’d given up.

I have evidence that Nick is into me, if you catch my drift. It’s X-rated evidence. But I’m sure the heck not going to share it with my mother. Actually, I don’t intend to share it with anyone. (You’re welcome.) But it’s ridiculous that my mom has to perpetuate this notion that I’m nothing more than the girl next door, the girl who never gets the guy. Geez. That attitude has hurt me my whole life. Well… not anymore, ya know? [Lecherous laugh.]

I should probably give up trying to impress her. She can stay in her fantasy world in which I’m a little girl with no romantic prospects. Good for her.




2 responses to “Meg’s mother has been proven wrong!”

  1. Wow, your mother’s toxicity is so mind-blowing! That she can shove this “realism” in your face like that. No one normal would do it in such a way, even if they did view you the way she does. No wonder you’d been finding romantic relationships so hard because of this. I don’t expect her mind to change any time soon no matter what, but I hope you continue to be happy for very long. 🙂


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    1. Thanks so much for the support!! ❤ I was thinking back on my life, and it’s devastating to me how much my mom has taken from me!! She’s a terrible person. I think she’s been scheming my whole life to sabotage everything that has gone my way. It’s sad that she’s so toxic!!

      And thanks for the happiness wishes! I’m still feeling so happy! Do you know what I have learned from this? Toxic people like my mother can throw multiple monkey wrenches into the works, but true love can never be permanently destroyed. Yay!!

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